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Champions of Liberty Rally speech Dr. Alan Keyes
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Lets Talk America 06/21/2019
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Dr. Alan Keyes is a highly respected statesman who is held in high regard by many political figures. He has demonstrated a love for our country and a desire to see it return to its original intent with an emphasis on our Christian roots and a strong understanding of Liberty. President Ronald Reagan described Dr. Keyes by saying “I’ve never known a more stout-hearted defender of a strong America than Alan Keyes.”. This statement is a reflection of his work in the US State Department Foreign Service, as Ambassador to the UN Economic and Social Council, and as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs.
Dr. Keyes graduated from Harvard with a doctoral degree in government studies in 1979. A year before graduating he joined the US State Department as a foreign service officer. He went on to serve in various positions in the United Nations and became an Ambassador to the UN Economic and Social Council; holding posts in Mumbai, India, and Zimbabwe. His love for his country, desire to see its foundings preserved and values restored, led him to run for the Republican candidacy for president in 1996, 2000, and 2004.
Dr. Keyes knowledge and perspective are needed all the more today as we are constantly seeing an increase in the dismantling of our very foundation. There is a deliberate effort to erase the intent and origins of our country and change our very way of life. It is time we turn our attention to those, like Dr. Keyes, who can lead us back to where we are intended to be.
Dr. Keyes knowledge and perspective are needed all the more today as we are constantly seeing an increase in the dismantling of our very foundation. Alan Keyes is IAMtv!
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